
2021-08-02 03:21:13 字數 1449 閱讀 3256


yesterday was our new year, very busy ~ ~ like your christmas. i stayed in the field for two weeks, almost every day is not the same in the exam, test center, i took the painting with rushing really tired! do not know they will get a few certificate.

. . march results will be out.

. . now in the winter break, open learn more busy, may be three months can contact you, i want to learn the culture lesson, perhaps to stay up late every day!

look forward to june of the college entrance examination, a very important exam, hoping to get a certificate like the university! 不介意我用翻譯吧


yesterday is our new year, very lively, like your christmas.i spent half a month in the field, almost every day in the examination, examination site is not the same, i took huaju go really tired!do not know can get several certificate...

to march results will be out...now in the winter vacation, open society more busy, may not be three months and contact you, i'm learning culture, perhaps every day to stay up late!look forward to the june college entrance examination, the examination is very important, want to get love certificate university!





一虎嘗敗於牛。見牛為農人所驅耕耘,乃曰 何懼於農?牛曰 人多智。虎因索智於農。農曰 遺於家。欲歸取,然恐虎食牛,須縛之。虎然之。農人歸,邀眾至,囚虎於籠中,謂之曰 此即智也。把這段話翻譯成文言文,急!二木之命 一農播二種,旋生二木。其一立志參天,故殫力汲養於地下,且儲之,以潤各枝,謀上生之策 以善自...


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