
2022-10-21 22:35:08 字數 553 閱讀 1911


concentrate on more precise forecast regarding these key products and customer demand. take first priority to determine demand and corresponding inventory capacity of these key products, and define sufficient safety stock to it.


concentrate on these key products and customer demand for more accurate prediction, key sure this part of the product demand and the corresponding inventory capacity, and in the light of this part of the product demand set adequate safety stock,


一句英語翻譯!5 once a month 這裡的意思是,乙個月一次。marine 希望在全國範圍擴大這個數量,在準備好乙個月一次的批發之前。once a month這個副詞片語意思是每月一次。這裡表達的意思是marine希望把這個數字每個月都擴大一次。言外之意,就是希望每個月都能夠成倍增長。onc...


when the learning time management at the same time,can also learn english.你寫的稍微有些小錯誤,比如while.the time應該變成when.the same time,can.它的意思是乙個關聯詞,當在做某件事的時候,還...


they camouflaged 動物的保護色功能,在這裡解作掩飾 their hatred 他們的恨惡或厭惡或仇恨 with professions of 專業,在這裡是很專業 friendship 友誼 總的解釋就是 他們很專業地用友誼 友好的態度掩飾他們的仇恨希望能幫忙,請採納 他們裝作友好,...