december 30, the father and mother, i wash my own clothes.
december 31, mother to wash your hair, and cleaning.
new year's day, playing with the computer, accompanied by wife went to the hospital for treatment.
或on dec. 30th
i washed my mom and dad's clothes as well as mine.
on dec. 31st
i washed mom's hair, and cleaned up the room
on the new year's day
i played on the computer, go to the doctors' with my sister-in-law
或i washed the closes of my father ,my mother and mine on dec.30th.
i helped my mother to wash her hair and cleaned up the room on dec.31st.
on new year' day, i played the computer game and went to the doctors' with my sister-in-law.
on dec. 30th
i washed my mom and dad's clothes as well as mine.
on dec. 31st
i washed mom's hair, and cleaned up the room
on the new year's dayi played on the computer, go to the doctors' with my sister-in-law
i washed the closes of my father ,my mother and mine on dec.30th.
i helped my mother to wash her hair and cleaned up the room on dec.31st.
on new year' day, i played the computer game and went to the doctors' with my sister-in-law.
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