
2022-06-13 20:50:02 字數 573 閱讀 9664


they do not know that no such information, how they operate and maintain machinery. therefore, as aio this important information and mo maintenance documents requested.


they don't know how to operate and maintain machines without these materials, so such important materials like aio and mo are required.


they won't know how to operate and maintain the machine without these documents, thus the important maintenance documents such as aio and mo are required.


答 生化危機裡的呀。umbrella corporation 陽傘公司 our business is life itself 我們經營的就是生命 umbrella corporation our business is life itself的意思是 傘公司 根據下面的話,最大的可能就是 降落傘公...


a no nonsense sabre with a solid guard,very popular with french sailors.乙個毫無copy意義的軍刀,有著堅實的後衛,非常受法國水手的歡迎。求英文翻譯 我說的是真的 這句用英文怎麼說?what i said is true 我說的...

英文。怎麼理解這句話的翻譯,求用英文翻譯 你怎樣理解這句話的意思

譯文屬於意譯。should mean 直譯為 應當意味著 譯文為了更符合漢語習慣,替換為 如果 a,那麼b 你可以把它理解為 意味著 意味著 可視為乙個假設推演 或命題 的過程,一般形式 如果 那麼 語意通的情況下,如果 可以省略 求用英文翻譯 你怎樣理解這句話的意思?how do you unde...