if the title of keywords is outstanding, the density increased suddenly, if the post title does not include keywords, the density will be low, the ranking may also with change. common is cms web site, the home page, usually need to increase the keyword density. for some enterprise stand speaking, keyword density is low, the article is not much, more products, web site some text is to don't, such as telephone, address, contact person and so on, can put in the photo above shows out, so that greatly increase the keyword density.
so, sometimes website ranking unstable factors, keyword density fluctuation is one of them
if the title of outstanding, the density is suddenly increased, if the title of the article did not include the key words, the density will be low, ranking may also change with. common is the cms website, home page article, generally need to increase the density of words. for some enterprises station, keyword density is relatively low, the article is not much, product more, site of some of the text is don't want, such as telephone, address, contact person and so on, can be put in the picture shown above, this greatly increases the density of words.
so, sometimes site ranking factors of instability, keyword density low high is one of them.
每個人都有愛好。你喜歡收集郵票嗎?你喜歡聽 嗎?你享受打籃球嗎?這寫都是愛好。彼得的業餘愛好是收集玩具車。在彼得家附近有一家玩具店。彼得 bob,那家商店裡有一款新的玩具車。我要去買乙個。bob 你喜歡玩具車嗎?彼得 是的。我的愛好是收集玩具車。你的愛好是什麼?bob 我對收集郵票很感興趣。楊明 我...
每種文化都有自已的理想行為,美國也不例外。在那裡,孩子們被鼓勵要開放 直接。美國人認為開放是誠實的表現,他們對於沉默和保守提出懷疑。如果你不說出來 翻譯下面文章 光和影子是一對良友。有光的存在就會有影子的存在。我們每一天都在沐浴著光,同時,我們也因此製造出了影子的存在。光不能透過你的身體。因為你的身...
運動藥的背骨影象。很多的論爭存在圍住簡單的電影公用程式,計算了斷層攝影術 磁性共嗚影象 磁共振成像 和骨頭運動 相關的背骨受傷的評估定量化。文章檢討了這裡提議一些不同的遠景。頸背骨 x 光線照相術 在頸外傷,腰的痛苦和標準受傷之後的回返 到 遊戲標準 敏銳的運動受傷的磁共振成像的公用程式,而且運動 ...