private declare function getwindowsdirectory lib "kernel32" alias "getwindowsdirectorya" _
(byval lpbuffer as string, byval nsize as long) as long
''public function getwindowspath() as string
dim p as string * 80
dim length as long
dim path as string
length = getwindowsdirectory(p, len(p))
path = left(p, length)
getwindowspath = path
end function
private sub command1_click()
text1.text = getwindowspath
end sub
private declare function getwindowsdirectory lib "kernel32" alias "getwindowsdirectorya" (byval lpbuffer as string,byval nsize as long) as long
private sub form_loaddim strbuffer as string *1024retval=getwindowsdirectory(strbuffer,1024)
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做個迴圈就行吧。好麻煩啊。private sub command1 click for i 1 to 4 f不可能等於1,至少為2,故a至多為4 for j 1 to 9 for k 1 to 9 for m 1 to 9 for n 1 to 8 if i j and i k and i m an...
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