
2022-05-07 05:25:28 字數 3490 閱讀 8480



private type student

sno as string * 7

sname as string * 9

grade as integer

end type

option base 1

dim i as integer, j as integer

dim stu(10) as student, t as student

private sub command1_click()

for i = 1 to 9

for j = 1 to 10 - i

if stu(j).grade < stu(j + 1).grade then

t = stu(j)

stu(j) = stu(j + 1)

stu(j + 1) = t

end if

next j

next i

for i = 1 to 10

print stu(i).sno, stu(i).sname, stu(i).grade

next i

end sub

private sub form_load()

dim a(), b(), c()

a = array("tom", "jerry", "lisa", "tony", "bob", "jack", "july", "rose", "robert", "peter")

b = array("05070301", "05070302", "05070303", "05070304", "05070305", "05070306", "05070307", "05070308", "05070309", "05070310")

c = array(87, 53, 96, 88, 70, 63, 91, 72, 78, 67)

for i = 1 to 10

stu(i).sno = a(i)

stu(i).sname = b(i)

stu(i).grade = c(i)

print stu(i).sno, stu(i).sname, stu(i).grade

next i

end sub




option explicit

private type student

sno as string * 7

sname as string * 9

grade as integer

end type

option base 1

dim stu(10) as student, a, b, c, i as integer

private sub command1_click()

dim t as student, j

for i = 1 to 9

for j = 1 to 10 - i

if stu(j).grade < stu(j + 1).grade then

t = stu(j)

stu(j) = stu(j + 1)

stu(j + 1) = t

end if

next j

next i

for i = 1 to 10

print stu(i).sno, stu(i).sname, stu(i).grade

next i

end sub

private sub form_load()

a = array("tom", "jerry", "lisa", "tony", "bob", "jack", "july", "rose", "robert", "peter")

b = array("05070301", "05070302", "05070303", "05070304", "05070305", "05070306", "05070307", "05070308", "05070309", "05070310")

c = array(87, 53, 96, 88, 70, 63, 91, 72, 78, 67)

for i = 1 to 10

stu(i).sno = a(i)

stu(i).sname = b(i)

stu(i).grade = c(i)

print stu(i).sno, stu(i).sname, stu(i).grade

next i

end sub


option base 1

private type student

sno as string * 7

sname as string * 9

grade as integer

end type

dim stu(10) as student '宣告在這裡,對所有過程都有作用

private sub command1_click()

for i = 1 to 9

for j = 1 to 10 - i

if stu(j).grade < stu(j + 1).grade then

t = stu(j).grade

stu(j).grade = stu(j + 1).grade 『這裡少寫了

stu(j + 1).grade = t

end if

next j

next i

for i = 1 to 10

print stu(i).sno, stu(i).sname, stu(i).grade

next i

end sub

private sub form_load() 『這裡不要定義區域性變數

a = array("tom", "jerry", "lisa", "tony", "bob", "jack", "july", "rose", "robert", "peter")

b = array("05070301", "05070302", "05070303", "05070304", "05070305", "05070306", "05070307", "05070308", "05070309", "05070310")

c = array(87, 53, 96, 88, 70, 63, 91, 72, 78, 67)

for i = 1 to 10

stu(i).sno = a(i)

stu(i).sname = b(i)

stu(i).grade = c(i)

print stu(i).sno, stu(i).sname, stu(i).grade

next i

end sub


**最前面加option explicit 自己就可以實現差錯!


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