
2021-03-04 08:10:18 字數 4571 閱讀 8295




version 5.00

begin vb.form form1

caption = "form1"

clientheight = 3195

clientleft = 60

clienttop = 345

clientwidth = 4680

linktopic = "form1"

scaleheight = 3195

scalewidth = 4680

startupposition = 3 '視窗預設

begin vb.***mandbutton ***mand3

caption = "***mand3"

height = 375

left = 1920

tabindex = 4

top = 1920

width = 855

endbegin vb.***mandbutton ***mand2

caption = "***mand2"

height = 375

left = 1920

tabindex = 3

top = 1200

width = 855

endbegin vb.***mandbutton ***mand1

caption = "***mand1"

height = 375

left = 1920

tabindex = 2

top = 480

width = 855

endbegin vb.listbox list2

height = 2400

left = 2880

tabindex = 1

top = 360

width = 1815

endbegin vb.listbox list1

height = 2400

left = 120

tabindex = 0

top = 360

width = 1695


attribute vb_name = "form1"

attribute vb_globalnamespace = false

attribute vb_creatable = false

attribute vb_predeclaredid = true

attribute vb_exposed = false

function isprime(byval n as long) as boolean

dim i as long

for i = 2 to int(n / 2)

if n mod i = 0 then isprime = false: exit function


isprime = true

end function

private sub ***mand2_click()

dim i as integer

redim a(0) as integer

for i = 0 to 29

if isprime(list1.list(i)) then

a(ubound(a)) = list1.list(i)

list2.additem a(ubound(a))

redim preserve a(ubound(a) + 1)

end if


***mand1.enabled = true

***mand2.enabled = false

end sub

private sub ***mand3_click()

endend sub

private sub form_load()

***mand1.caption = "排序"

***mand2.caption = "篩選"

***mand3.caption = "退出"

***mand1.enabled = false


dim i as integer

for i = 1 to 30

list1.additem int(rnd * 1900 + 100)


end sub




private sub check1_click()

text1.fontunderline = not text1.fontunderline

end sub

private sub check2_click()

text1.fontitalic = not text1.fontitalic

end sub

private sub check3_click()

text1.fontbold = not text1.fontbold

end sub

private sub option1_click()

text1.fontname = "黑體"

end sub

private sub option2_click()

text1.fontname = "楷體_gb2312"

end sub

private sub option3_click()

text1.fontname = "隸書" '我的電腦沒有隸書字型,所以除錯時出錯

end sub

private sub option4_click()

text1.fontsize = 12

end sub

private sub option5_click()

text1.fontsize = 16

end sub

private sub option6_click()

text1.fontsize = 20

end sub




的程式主要用到的工具箱裡的optionbutton 控制項對顯示字型文字控制項的fnot屬性進行設定。用***bobox 控制項或listbox控制項設定顯示字型及它的尺寸。

optionbutton 控制項,optionbutton 控制項顯示乙個可以開啟或者關閉的選項。

***bobox 控制項,組合框控制項將文字框和列表框的功能結合在一起。有了這個控制項,使用者可通過在組合框中輸入文本來選定專案,也可從列表中選定專案。


此處有三種組合框樣式。每種樣式都可在設計時或執行時來設定,而且每種樣式都使用數值或相應的 visual basic


font 屬性,返回乙個 font 物件。

為了標識乙個具體的要使用其屬性的 font 物件應使用乙個物件的 font 屬性。例如,下面的**將改變乙個 font

物件的 bold 屬性設定,該font 物件被 textbox 物件的 font


txtfirstname.font.bold = true


private sub ***bo1_click()text1.fontname = ***bo1.textend sub

private sub ***bo2_click()text1.fontsize = val(***bo2.text)end sub

private sub form_load()***bo1.additem "宋體"

***bo1.additem "黑體"

***bo1.additem "楷體_gb2312"

***bo1.text = "宋體"

for i = 12 to 72 step 2***bo2.additem str(i)next i

***bo2.text = "12"

end sub


dim a 1 to 80 as integer dim js as integer dim os as integer private sub command1 click dim i,j,k randomize j 0 text1.text for i 1 to 80 a i int rnd 9...


private sub command1 click dim i as integer text1.text list1.list 0 for i 0 to 9 if val list1.list i val text1.text then text1.text list1.list i next ...


private sub mand1 click dim i as integer for i 11 to 999 if i strreverse i and i 2 strreverse i 2 and i 3 strreverse i 3 then print i,i 2,i 3end if ne...