private sub command1_click()'用每個字母的ascii碼加7,相加之後的ascii碼值若超過90但不超過97,
dim a, b as integer
a = asc(left(text1.text, 1)) + 7b = asc(right(text1.text, 1)) + 7if ((a > 90) and (a < 97)) thena = a - 10
elseif a > 122 then
a = a - 8
end if
if ((b > 90) and (b < 97)) thenb = b - 10
elseif a > 122 then
b = b - 8
end if
text2.text = chr(a) & chr(b)end sub
private sub form_load()'text1--輸入 text2--加密後輸出text1.maxlength = 2
text2.maxlength = 2
text1.text = ""
text2.text = ""
end sub
private sub command1_click()
dim strtmp as string, bytleft as byte, bytright as byte
strtmp = text1.text
if len(strtmp) < 2 then exit sub
bytleft = asc(left(strtmp, 1)) + 7
bytright = asc(mid(strtmp, 2, 1)) + 7
if (bytleft >= 90) and (bytleft <= 98) then
bytleft = bytleft - 10
elseif bytleft > 122 then
bytleft = bytleft - 8
end if
if (bytright >= 90) and (bytright <= 98) then
bytright = bytright - 10
elseif bytright > 122 then
bytright = bytright - 8
end if
text2.text = chr(bytleft) & chr(bytright)
end sub
private sub command1_click()text2.text = ""
for i = 1 to len(text1.text)s = mid(text1.text, i, 1)t = asc(s) + 7
if t > 90 and t <= 97 then t = t - 10
if t > 122 then t = t - 8text2.text = text2.text & chr(t)next
end sub
還可以用api函式來呼叫出來加密!有個加密的演算法 在裡面!
全過程是什麼說。是不是完整原始碼啊。我這台機沒裝vb。只能聲援一下。給個思路。 異或吧。異或個二次。應該夠你用了
dim i as byte
open "c:\copy of rhdsetup.log" for binary as #1
open "c:\copy of rhdsetup.log" & "~~" for binary as #2
do while not eof(1)
get #1, , i
i = i xor 8
put #2, , i
close #1
close #2
kill "c:\copy of rhdsetup.log"
name "c:\copy of rhdsetup.log" & "~~" as "c:\copy of rhdsetup.log"
vb 加密與解密的程式** 5
加密:private function jiami(byval varpass as string) as string '引數varpass是需要加密的文字內容
dim varjiami as string * 20
dim vartmp as double
dim strjiami as string
dim i
for i = 1 to len(varpass)
vartmp = ascw(mid$(varpass, i, 1))
varjiami = str$(((((vartmp * 1.5) / 5.6) * 2.7) * i))
strjiami = strjiami & varjiami
next i
jiami = strjiami
end function
private function jiemi(byval varpass as string) as string '引數varpass是需要解密的密文內容
dim varreturn as string * 20
dim varconvert as double
dim varfinalpass as string
dim varkey as integer
dim varpasslenth as long
varpasslenth = len(varpass)
for i = 1 to varpasslenth / 20
varreturn = mid(varpass, (i - 1) * 20 + 1, 20)
varconvert = val(trim(varreturn))
varconvert = ((((varconvert / 1.5) * 5.6) / 2.7) / i)
varfinalpass = varfinalpass & chrw(val(varconvert))
next i
jiemi = varfinalpass
end function
private function jiami(byval varpass as string) as string '引數varpass是需要加密的文字內容
dim varjiami as string * 20
dim vartmp as double
dim strjiami as string
dim i
for i = 1 to len(varpass)
vartmp = ascw(mid$(varpass, i, 1))
varjiami = str$(((((vartmp * 1.5) / 5.6) * 2.7) * i))
strjiami = strjiami & varjiami
next i
jiami = strjiami
end function
private function jiemi(byval varpass as string) as string '引數varpass是需要解密的密文內容
dim varreturn as string * 20
dim varconvert as double
dim varfinalpass as string
dim varkey as integer
dim varpasslenth as long
varpasslenth = len(varpass)
for i = 1 to varpasslenth / 20
varreturn = mid(varpass, (i - 1) * 20 + 1, 20)
varconvert = val(trim(varreturn))
varconvert = ((((varconvert / 1.5) * 5.6) / 2.7) / i)
varfinalpass = varfinalpass & chrw(val(varconvert))
next i
jiemi = varfinalpass
end function
二樓的是錯誤的,寫成 會出錯,直接寫成 就行了。至於怎樣用user變數作為過度變數,關鍵是要將user定義為函式形式而不是變數形式,具體做法如下 a.公共部分 option explicit public function user s as string as string user s end ...
用7個文字框 設定為控制項陣列,即連續複製乙個文字框,跳出提示框點是 輸入7個成績。private sub command1 click dim a 7 as single,i as integer,max as single,min as single,s as single,sum as sin...
用高階程式語言編寫的程式可讀性好,但不能被機器直接執行。高階程式語言的可閱讀性更強,能夠方便的表達程式的功能,但高階程式語言因為是一種編譯語言,所以它的執行速度比匯程式設計序要低,同時因為高階語言比較冗長,所以 的執行速度也要慢一些。另外,高階程式語言的架構高於彙編,不能編寫直接訪問硬體資源的系統程...