1 00 1 05 1 10 1 15 1 20 1 25 1 30 1 35 1 40 1 45 1 50 1 55用英語怎麼說

2021-05-02 15:27:01 字數 1195 閱讀 4009


1:00 one o'clock

1:05 one o five

five past one

1:10 one ten

ten past one

1:15 one fifteen

a quarter past one

1:20 one twenty

twenty past one

1:25 one twenty-fivetwenty-five past one

1:30 one thirty

half past one

1:35 one thirty-fivetwenty-five to two

1:40 one forty

twenty to two

1:45 one forty-fivea quarter to two

1:50 one fifty

ten to two

1:55 one fifty-fivefive to two



one five

one ten

one fifteen/a quarter past oneone twenty

one twenty-five

one thirty/half past oneone thirty-five

one forty

one forty-five/a quarter to twoone fifty

one fifty-five



one o'clock.

seven o'clock

a quarter past eleven.

half past two.


one o'clock, seven o'clock, eleven fifteen, two thirty, three thirty-one,nine forty-five, ten thirty,eight fifty-five


condition 英 k n d n 美 k n d n n.條件 this change has been timed under laboratory conditions.在實驗室條件下測得了這一變化所需的時間。門用英語怎麼講 門的英語單詞是door,詳細資訊如下 door 英 d r 美 ...


ordinary 這個就是平淡 翻譯。insipid.prosaic.pedestrian等 ordinary 這個答案是錯誤的!不要被誤導了!按正常答案應該是insipid 平平淡淡才是真用英文怎麼簡寫 平平淡淡才是真 dusty springfield 平平淡淡才是真 dusty springf...


撒水 s 來 shu 動自 spray water 網路 sprinkling 例句 看起來被撒水器浸濕了。looks like it s been doused by the sprinklers.sprinkle water over sth.條件用英語怎麼講 condition 英 k n d...