
2021-03-03 20:48:04 字數 537 閱讀 8815


with the incresing of social ***petition,and the school in order to

increse enrollment(公升學) rate,the school still class for the students at weekend, as a result,some special ability of the studend hadn't play out.

in my opinon,weekend for the students is still working,this phenomenon is not good to the students.because weekend should be the

time to relax,if school in order to increse enrollment(公升學) rate,so expense the student's time to relax and recreation(娛樂)

,it 斷網了


我陽光,我成功 為蜘蛛哀嘆的人日漸消沉,為蜘蛛反思的人變得聰明,為蜘蛛感動的人堅強起來。由此我明白乙個道理 追求成功的人心中充滿陽光,畏懼失敗的人心中佈滿陰霾。所以每個人都應該呼喊 我陽光,我成功!荀子曰 玉在山而草木潤,淵生珠而崖不枯。心中的陽光,如美玉,如珍珠,如牛黃,如紅木。夫日月之有蝕,風雨...


小題1 bored 小題2 tries 小題3 should 小題4 culture 小題5 percent 試題分析 小題1 考查形容詞。句意 當我工回 作很久時,我就會感覺答厭倦。bored 厭倦,形容詞。get變得,後接形容詞作表語,故答案填bored。小題2 考查動詞。句意 鮑勃學習努力,他...


小題1 excuse 小題2 library 小題3 key 小題4 black 小題5 ring 試題分析 小題1 句意 對不起,tom,打擾一下。請問那是你的手錶嗎?當打攪某人,向某人請教或詢問事情時,通常用excuse me,以示禮貌。故答案為excuse。小題2 句意 許多書在學校圖書館裡。...