
2022-09-16 00:35:03 字數 2018 閱讀 4306


1 how many years will take helen to be a lawyer?

2 where will you read?

3 where is bob going to do for the children?

4 where are they going to do in the area?1 how many years will it take helen to be a lawyer?

2 what will you do at school?

3 what is bob going to do for the children?

4 what are they going to do in the area?

5 how many hours will the meeting last? 1 how many years will it take helen to be a lawyer?

2 what will you do at school?

3 what is bob going to do for the children?1 how many years will it take helen to be a lawyer?

2 what will you do at school?

3 what is bob going to do for the children?1 how many years will it take helen to be a lawyer?

2 what will you do at school?

3 what is bob going to do for the children?

4 what are they going to do in the area?

5 how many hours will the meeting last?

4 what are they going to do in the area?

5 how many hours will the meeting last?

4 what are they going to do in the area?

5 how many hours will the meeting last?

5 how many hours will the meeting last?


1.how far will helen be a lawyer ?

2.where will we read a lot of books?

3.who is going to make a model plane for the children?

4.what do they going to build in the area?

5.how long will the meeting last?


1.what will helen be in three years ?

2.where will you read a lot of books?

3.what is bob going to do for the children ?

4.how many hospitals are they going to build in the area ?

5.how long will the meeting last ?


1 how many years will it take helen to be a lawyer?

2 what will you do at school?

3 what is bob going to do for the children?

4 what are they going to do in the area?

5 how many hours will the meeting last?


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