there's few reserch about the chinese and western football.so upon this ,the article was wriiten.
base on the sucessful experience of the research in and out of china, and compare the differences between the twog,and conclude in the defect of this develpment and the superiority of it iat abroad.
for all the documents that inspired me throught the writing.
all these documents are from the recently publications about the same area.
what he said just now was the same as my thouht.it is suggested that experiment should be done in low temperature.how you will deal with it doesn t me...
人工翻譯 乙份計畫設想 能在各方面擔保美國國際集團的債務,就如同聯邦存款保險公司支援在客戶銀行的個人儲蓄帳戶一樣。10月15日,達爾格倫女士寫信給蓋特納先生說,位於華盛頓的美聯儲表態,紐約聯邦儲備銀行應該嘗試向財政部謀求擔保。我想,這樣的擔保是我們急需用來擴充腰包的。她寫道。雖然小弟不才,但一下幾個...
they are just food,just eat it,who cares 急求菜名中英文翻譯,謝謝 以下按順序 malay satay nine fish belly 馬來沙嗲九肚魚 cod fish roll shaping singular taste 奇味鱈魚卷 fried fish ...