
2022-08-02 19:30:03 字數 788 閱讀 6405


prepared my speech today's topic is "chinese" kung fu. chinese martial arts, martial arts originated in ancient times, we need to be carried forward in china. in my mind the memory of the deepest is li xiaolong of 拳道.

china was then still in the thought of society, is li xiaolong the chinese wushu go to foreign countries, after li xiaolong combining multiple and formed a new section of the army -- 拳道 the "china's work. li xiaolong "" this noun into deep in foreign mind. now i'll use of the li xiaolong 拳道 as an example to explain.

from the chinese kungfu 拳道 representatives of section include south korea's 拳道 跆拳道 leg work, the chinese 詠春, the united states of karate, and cut into one, the main elements 拳道 "quick, accurate, was".


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