應該是god is a girl吧
god is a girl
god is a girl
歌手:groove coverage **:booom 2003 the first
groove coverage - god is a girl
remembering me,
discover and see
all over the world,
she's known as a girl
to those who a free,
the mind shall be key
forgotten as the past
'cause history will last
god is a girl,
wherever you are,
do you believe it, can you recieve it?
god is a girl,
whatever you say,
do you believe it, can you recieve it?
god is a girl,
however you live,
do you believe it, can you recieve it?
god is a girl,
she's only a girl,
do you believe it, can you recieve it?
she wants to shine,
forever in time,
she is so driven, she's always mine
cleanly and free,
she wants you to be
a part of the future,
a girl like me
there is a sky,
illuminating us, someone is out there
that we truly trust
there is a rainbow for you and me
a beautiful sunrise eternally
god is a girl
wherever you are,
do you believe it, can you recieve it?
god is a girl
whatever you say,
do you believe it, can you recieve it?
god is a girl
however you live,
do you believe it, can you recieve it?
god is a girl
she's only a girl,
do you believe it, can you recieve it?end
是這個吧 朋友 曲 詞 繁星流動 和你同路 從不相識 開始心接近 默默以真摯待人 朋友如霧 難得知心 幾經風暴 為著我不退半步 正是你 遙遙晚空點點星光息息相關 你我那怕荊棘鋪滿路 替我解開心中的孤單 是誰明白我 情同兩手一起開心一起悲傷 彼此分擔總不分我或你 你為了我 我為了你 共赴患難絕望裡 緊...
有兩個版本的,一個是迴音哥的一個是任然的。都比較好聽。奉上歌詞,請笑納。巷子裡的童年 作詞 耕耕 作曲 xun 演唱 迴音哥 任然 想起巷子裡的童年 撿起傳給你的紙片 曾經彈過的木吉他早就斷了弦 還記得年少時我陪你盪鞦韆 帶著你騎車去海邊 你等流星說要許願 那架飛機劃得弧線 消失不見只剩海面 曾經聽...
t.h.p 愛與諾言 昔日重現彷彿看到過去你我初次見面溫暖的燭光對映窗簾 浪漫的晚宴多年不見你可知道我心從未曾改變 時間會見證真愛與諾言 人們說諾言 不切實際 勸君莫要執意 一但不如意 只會傷了自己 難道要逃避 從戀愛中逃離 其實所謂乙個人的自由應該叫做孤僻 但又怕太急 怕心受打擊 進退兩難時祈禱能...