
2022-01-13 10:40:11 字數 7138 閱讀 5009


給郵箱, 發工程, 以免自己除錯不出來


private sub command1_click()

timer1.enabled = true

end sub

private sub command2_click()

timer1.enabled = false

timer2.enabled = true

label1.caption = text1.text

end sub

private sub form_load()

command1.caption = "開始"

command2.caption = "停"

text1.text = ""

label1.caption = ""

timer1.interval = 500

timer2.interval = 1000

timer1.enabled = false

timer2.enabled = false

end sub

private sub timer1_timer()

text1.forecolor = qbcolor(int(rnd * 15))

text1.text = 100000 + int(rnd * 900000)

end sub

private sub timer2_timer()

label1.font.size = int(20 + rnd * 21)

label1.forecolor = qbcolor(int(rnd * 15))

end sub




dim operatingsystem as string,otherequipment as string private sub mand1 click text2.text otherequipment for i 0 to 2 if check1 i value 1 then othereq...


dim a 1 to 80 as integer dim js as integer dim os as integer private sub command1 click dim i,j,k randomize j 0 text1.text for i 1 to 80 a i int rnd 9...


private sub mand1 click dim i as integer for i 11 to 999 if i strreverse i and i 2 strreverse i 2 and i 3 strreverse i 3 then print i,i 2,i 3end if ne...