dim a$(4), b$(4), c$(4), d$(4)
private sub command1_click()
open "d:/001.txt" for output as #1
for i = 0 to 4
for j = 0 to 4
for k = 0 to 4
for l = 0 to 4
print #1, a(i) & b(i) & c(i) & d(i) & " ";
next l, k, j, i
close #1
end sub
private sub form_load()
text1 = "": text2 = "": text3 = "": text4 = ""
for i = 0 to 4
a(i) = chr(65 + i): text1 = text1 + a(i)
b(i) = chr(70 + i): text2 = text2 + b(i)
c(i) = chr(75 + i): text3 = text3 + c(i)
d(i) = chr(85 + i): text4 = text4 + d(i)
end sub
option explicit
private mlngallnumcount as long, mlnggetnumcount as long
private mblncancelproc as boolean, mlngcurresultcount as long
private mastroneresult() as string
private mlngfileno as long, mstrresultfile as string
dim nums(9) as integer
private sub form_load()
nums(0) = 2
nums(1) = 7
nums(2) = 10
nums(3) = 13
nums(4) = 14
nums(5) = 17
nums(6) = 19
nums(7) = 20
nums(8) = 29
nums(9) = 30
dim strarray strarray array 姓名 性別 年齡 dim string 20 string 1 姓名 string 2 性別 string 3 年齡 與普通陣列賦值有什麼區別嗎?工程裡建立乙個模組,然後貼上下邊 public type a sname as string 6 ...
VB6 0中如何使得字串中的某字元選中高亮並使這個字元字型變大
使用richtextbox控制項 private sub command1 click richtextbox1.selstart 3 要高亮的起始字元數 richtextbox1.sellength 5 要高亮的字元數 richtextbox1.selcolor vbred 顏色richtextb...
private sub command1 click dim stra as string,strb as string,i,j,n as integer stra split 123,211,234324,43,4,123,43,211 stra賦值bai duredim strb 0 strb ...