zhuhai is in guangdong,china. it' s a beautiful city. there are many flowers and trees aroud the road.
and there are tall buildings in this city. the air is clear.in here ,peoplre are friendly.
they can help each other.and there are many seaside park in zhuhai, in the weekend people often go to walk on there. at one time , my father told me ,"zhuhai is a poor fishing villege before 1949.
but now zhuhai is fashion." i miss that right. emm...
i still know in zhuhai the population is about 1,000,000.the size is about 7,648 square kilometers .it's famous for seafood and its fishing girl.
i can telll you, in zhuhai, smile is very inportant. finally. i smile to say to you , " stanger,welcome to zhuhai!"
懸賞分才5,還要600字的,誰要回答啊!你要自己做才對 哦親 請你幫幫我作文 人的一生就像是一場戲,真真假假,假假真真,就像是一部電影一樣,有主角有配角,而你的人生裡面又是怎麼樣的呢?每天我們都生活在痛苦與快樂裡面,誰都不知道人生下一步是什麼,就像是一盒巧克力一樣,沒吃進去以前,誰也不知道是什麼口味...
TKD幫幫我,TKD 幫幫我
我現在業餘黑6我可以給你乙個我長用的組合雙飛 最好三飛 左前踢旋風 後旋 後撤步,下劈 近身後 連續側踢直到對方要反擊時在後撤等他過來後出擊完成後再去進攻,但你把跆拳道理解錯了,學這個不是欺負人或者打架的,即使是防身也不要引起打架,禮儀廉潔忍耐克己百摺不屈 他在拍電影,鑑定完畢 10個雙飛 是挺厲害...
哎 男人也不容易丫!你就先回去 讓他好好冷靜哈薩.如果他不在乎你了 也就用不著拖這麼久了,說明對你還是有感情的!可能是遇到什麼事了,男人嘛 一般有什麼事都是自己扛的.願上帝保佑你們!阿門 找個他的朋友和你一起去說 這個朋友可以為你們說點好話 了解他對你怎麼樣的.那麼你就可以怎麼去解決了 很棘手 的問...